Aug 29, 2018
The only way to build something that has the potential to grow
bigger than oneself is to put into place systems and processes,
then delegate responsibilities and tasks. We cannot remain central
to every process. If we do we become the limiting factor to our
business's growth.
Listen to my podcast and learn how to...
Aug 15, 2018
In this episode, I chat with Matt Brunke from VOSM in Maryland,
USA. We chat about Kinesiotaping, its uses in animals, research,
and contraindications.
Onlinepethealth Webinar members have access to a webinar on
Kinesiotaping by Matt Brunke on the members' platform. You can find
out more here:
Aug 1, 2018
I chat to Mary Ellen Goldberg at IAVRPT conference in Knoxville
Tennessee about cats and pain. We also discuss Feline Hyperesthesia
Syndrome, what it is and how to treat it.
For more information on pain, you can go to (International veterinary academy of