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The Veterinary Rehabilitation Podcast

May 27, 2020

Veronica Devall chats to Megan about one of her passions - sled dog racing! Veronica shares the layout of the teams, to training and conditioning, the injuries they are predisposed to, and loads in between. Enjoy! 

May 20, 2020

Jochen Schleese from Saddle fit for life joins us this week to speak about saddlery, and the secrets the industry holds. 
You can learn more about saddle fitting at, or at

May 13, 2020

Kallum (with a K) Russell joins Megan to chat about confidence, share some strategies on how to channel your confidence, and how you can grow your confidence with his three K formula. 

May 6, 2020

Carrie Adrian joins Ané Lloyd in this week's Podcast to chat about the latest research refresh, where Carrie discusses multiple research articles focused around Cryotherapy. They discuss multiple areas of Cryotherapy and its applications that are questionable and where there is uncertainty and a lack of evidence.